Blog: Eventi

Per continuare a fornire ai nostri clienti il migliore servizio possibile anche in questo periodo, verrà introdotto un supplemento temporaneo su tutte le spedizioni internazionali via aerea express per qualsiasi destinazione sia import che export e per le spedizioni via road, import ed export per i paesi EU, a partire…

Dear Valued Customer, The spread of COVID-19 virus continues to impact the world as a whole, as well as it is increasingly impacting the logistics & transportation sector globally. With further countries declaring a full society lockdown with only essential cargo being approved for transportation, we increasingly experience delays for general…

Dear Valued Customer, As more and more countries implement stricter measures to mitigate further spread of COVID-19, we experience further disruptions, not least on airfreight due to the majority of airlines ceasing operation of passenger aircrafts, and thereby limiting belly cargo capacity. In isolated cases we also experience disruptions on…

India have chosen to implement a strict lock-down in all districts with confirmed COVID-19 cases. The lock-down is expected to impact almost all major cities in India, and will include a near total stop for cargo movement on both ocean freight as well as airfreight. These steps have been taken by…

Dear Valued Customer, Following up on earlier released advisories we wish to provide a fresh general update across transport modes and geographies. As most will know, the situation in China has stabilized, and the wheels are slowly, but surely turning again and cargo flows are moving and this both within…

Informiamo che l’azienda rimarrà chiusa mercoledi 05 Febbraio 2020, per festività nazionale della Repubblica di San Marino.. We inform you that our offices will be closed on Wednesday 05 February 2020, for national holidays here in the Repubblic of San Marino.. Cordiali saluti.. Best Regards.. Festività : Anniversario della Liberazione della Repubblica dall’occupazione…

Gentili Clienti, con la presente desideriamo informare che alcune compagnie aeree hanno comunicato di avere sospeso l'accettazione di merci con destinazione Cina. A seguito di quanto sopra è possibile che si potranno verificare disservizi e ritardi per l'inoltro delle spedizioni ai principali aeroporti cinesi,…